Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) Last Day on Earth is a zombie survival game, where all survivors are driven by one goal: stay alive as long as you can. There is no place left for friendship, love and compassion. When the apocalypse comes you can trust only yourself and your gun.
Instructions for survivors:
Improve your skills and and craft more deadly weapons against zombie walkers and other players. Knock their heads off!
Build a strong base to protect your life and belongings from walking dead attacks and other survivors. Craft and place traps to take captives and make them regret stealing from you.
You are alone against zombies and other players who want to steal your resources. Dominate and control this cruel post-apocalyptic world. Hunt or be hunted.
You can find a lot of useful stuff to create your personal zombie survival vehicle. Don’t miss the chance to ride a Chopper through walking dead hordes and post-apocalyptic landscapes.
Wild animals, hunger, thirst and cold can can kill you faster than a walking dead army. Hunt animals and prepare food over a campfire, collect water with rain catcher and kill other players to get their supplies. Feel the spirit of true survival!
Search abandoned military bunkers and survivors’ bases in order to find and take the most valuable resources. Craft survival vehicles and take a trip to abandoned city ruins. You can travel to distant regions and build a shelter wherever you want.
More powers, more opportunities and more chances that you won’t die today but someone else. Claim territories with your clan and make others work for you.
Use the chat, information is the second most important resource in this world full of walking dead hordes.
In 2027 an outbreak of an unknown zombie infection wiped out most of the world’s population. Life was draining away from people but the pandemic was turning them into hordes of the insatiable walking dead. Stay alone or team up with allies – you’re the one to choose your path in the world full of chaos. Use any ways you can in order to survive.
Welcome to the real zombie apocalypse! In Last Day on Earth every your decision matters, every your mistake can be a fatal one. If you fail, you’ll have to start all over again. The nature will try to finish you off as quick as a zombie or another player. Be careful with choosing allies. Today your partner has saved you from death and tomorrow they can shoot you in the back for a can of bean.
Download and enjoy Last Day on Earth – a new free zombie survival game today!
Mod Extra v1:
1.) Unlimited Gold Coins
2.) Unlimited Craft and Build Materials
3.) Unlimited Craft Points
You can paste your save under the original apk (Android/Data/zombie.survival.craft.z) to keep the money and progress.
Do not equip and craft the following items as it is still not released in the game yet although you can craft it:
70lv: Kevlar Outfit and S&W Magnum
82lv: Assault Outfit
Equipping the above items might lead to crashing of save.
Installation Steps:
1. Download
2. (Important) Back up your save folder from current apk – Android/Data/zombie.survival.craft.z/file
3. Uninstall previous version
4. Install Mod and launch it to test the functions
5. Paste the back-up save folder to Android/Data/
6. Install or ignore the Chinese commercial that pops out before launching the game (No virus).
7. Enjoy! Please leave a comment if you find it working so that I’ll keep updating it.
DOWNLOAD Extra v1:
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Mod No Root v1:
1.) Free crafting and construction
2.) Infinite coins
3.) Endless Research Points
DOWNLOAD No Root v1:
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
MOD Root Extra v1:
– always full durability
– duplicate items
– get coins when spending
– unlimited skill points
DOWNLOAD Root Extra v1:
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
MOD Dl v1:
Free crafting,
Free shopping energy even with no gold,
recipes unlocked to current lvl,
in red zones or bunker xp boost randomly activates working to make it perm
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
Mod Save Backup:
1.Full Safe House
2.Future Items Ready on chests(Radio Tower,Water Pump & etc)
3.7000+ Coins
4.God Mode
5.Level 59
6.10000+ Skill Points
1.Simply Copy this to Android/Data/zombie.survival.craft.z
Note (for noobs): Log-in first your google account before downloading it on google drive(Please Dont ask about why link is broken)
How To Save It on other Google Account?
1.Clear Data
2.Run The App And login to your UNLINKED Google Account
3.Make Some Changes in the Game(Ex:Eat,Drink,Place some item in chest or pickup truck)
4.Quit. Then copy my save file.
5.Run the App. Make again some Changes.
6.Quit. restart the app.
7.Check of it works
8.Clear Data then Log-in again to that Google Account.
DOWNLOAD Save Backup :
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
MOD Root v1:
Free craft, recipes unlocked to current lvl, should be able to buy energy
DOWNLOAD Root v1 :
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
MOD v2:
Purchase,Research Recipes and Crafting always pass successfully, regardless of the amount of money and resources.
Open Lucky Patcher-Toolbox-Patch to Android and apply Disable .apk Signature Verification
install apk and play
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
MOD Root v3:
– Free kraft
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk) – SENDSPACE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.2 (Mod Apk) – DRIVE LINK
( Other Version Uptade Cooming Soon )
Mod New v3:
Dupe Hack (works on Armors, Weapons and every single-stack item)
Indestructible Items (Armors, Weapons, Tools etc)
Installation Instructions:
1) Download the MOD APK file (make sure you’re rooted and your device is patched with Lucky Patcher)
2) Launch the hack and enjoy it!
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.1 (Mod Apk Money) – DROPLOAD
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.1 (Mod Apk Money) – DRIVE LINK
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.1 (Mod Apk Money) – ZİPPYSHARE
Last Day on Earth: Survival v1.5.1 (Mod Apk Money) – SENDSPACE
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